The Innovation Laboratory
Cap Ulysse's Innovation Laboratory is a place for pedagogical design and experimentation on a national and European scale, enabling us to develop and test training initiatives that are then implemented locally to enrich our training offer and professional practices.

What is the LAB for educational innovation and European cooperation?
Social, digital and professional inclusion of people far from employment... Here are the main societal issues addressed by Cap Ulysse, its French and European partners, within the Lab. The objective for Cap Ulysse is thus to implement initiatives linked to education and training in a collaborative logic.
Based on the confrontation of practices, sharing of expertise, design and testing of new educational proposals, the Lab addresses new situations for which there is currently no satisfactory answer. This is how educational activities, e-learning platforms and methodologies implemented by the Lab feed our training offer and enrich the skills of our team. Once the solution is developed in its European dimension, it will be tested and deployed by Cap Ulysse on a local scale.
The stages of a project
Our themes
Inclusive mobilities: the accessibility of the Erasmus + program to people with fewer job opportunities
For learners with disabilities:
Leader of the Handi'Cap Sur l'Europe consortium since 2015, Cap Ulysse has contributed to giving more than 300 learners with disabilities and 100 staff of the medical-educational sector the opportunity to go on an internship mobility in Europe. 7 medico-educational establishments in Gironde, members of the consortium, trusted us to organize, secure and promote Erasmus + internship stays for their learners. This is what led the Erasmus + France National Agency to award the project the “Good practice” label.
The innovative projects Make It Happen (coordinated by Cap Ulysse) and PR.I.M.E. also aim at forming educative and training actors to help them secure the mobility paths of learners with disabilities during internships in Europe.
For job seekers (JS):
France Travail (formerly Pôle Emploi) and the Erasmus + program have been working together to remobilize job seekers through the implementation of the system of Support for JS regarding Erasmus + mobilities. Depending on variable criteria, each region which holds an Erasmus + Charter can offer this opportunity to these JS.
Since 2021, Cap Ulysse has been one of the operators entrusted with the support of more than 100 JS for a mobility project in Europe. A device that allowed 94% of beneficiaries of re-finding a job or qualifying training, in the 6 months following their European mobility.
The intercultural approach in the context of training, employment or European mobility
With more than 15 years of experience in European mobility for learners and expertise shared by a network of more than 150 European partners, Cap Ulysse has a real knowhow regarding the intercultural approach in various professional contexts. As a partner of the INTERMOVE cooperation project since 2015, Cap Ulysse has designed several courses on interculturality, regularly enriched by new educational content.

Support for migrant people
Cap Ulysse have been leading innovative training courses for women who have a migration background, poor language skills and an infra-bac qualification level, since 2019. In 2023, 70 female students participated in our training courses. 15 structures in social integration and refugees support trust us and guide their learners to us.
With a duration of 70 or 240 hours, these courses aim at facilitating the learners' social and professional integration. 2 annual sessions incorporate content related to numerical, to French language, to job search and training techniques, to citizenship or even to autonomy in learning methods.
Cap Ulysse adopts an intersectional, transcultural and inclusive approach and the trainers who intervene are systematically trained on the used methodology, in order to apply appropriate teaching methods.

Education, Training, Youth: the variety and richness of our experience
European projects as a partner
European partners in the education, training and youth sector
European projects as a coordinator supported by the Erasmus + France Education Formation Agency
of our activity is dedicated to innovating and experimenting in order to expand and enrich our training offer
participants in the experiments
Do you still have questions about LAB projects?
Go to our Q&A in the “The LAB” section to find your answer among our most common questions or contact us directly.