The Erasmus + European and international mobility

Employees, high school students, apprentices, students, young graduates or job seekers? Develop professional skills and strengthen the transversal skills of your audience abroad, during an internship or an Erasmus + training in France or in Europe,.


European and international mobility: why, for whom?

European mobility is open to all, because there is no age to learn and strengthen your training:
- employees;
- vocational training learners;
- high school students;
- students;
- apprentices;
- young graduates;
- job seekers;
- teachers;
- trainers...

Stays of a few days to several months to work and train in another country. A plural experience: European mobility enables the participants to develop their linguistic, professional and personal skills while strengthening their European citizenship.

With 17 years of experience and its French and European network, Cap Ulysse supports your school or establishment in implementing inclusive European mobility projects for staff and learners


Why would you do a professional internship in Europe?

A professional internship in Europe is a real asset in the world of work! Between the springboard effect to active life and the back-to-work booster effect, it is a unique opportunity to acquire a first experience, develop skills or even seek know-how recognized in Europe.

Advanced technical and professional skills

An internship in Europe offers valuable professional experience abroad, which enables students and professionals to develop their skills and to acquire new ones. Since some countries are recognized for their know-how, European mobility is an opportunity to enrich a résumé by acquiring a unique experience, and making a difference on the job market.

Stand out in the world of work through strengthened language skills

Acquiring professional experience abroad and immersing yourself in a European country is a means to improve your language skills (Language of the host country or English). These are assets that can make a difference in a globalized professional world.

Better adaptation and autonomy skills

Being confronted with a new environment develops life and work adaptability, autonomy, the self-confidence, the determination and the ability to overcome challenges : transversal skills that are highly sought-after by employers!

A journey to meet the other and the self

There's nothing like an internship in Europe to meet others and get to know each other through new intercultural situations. A space of exchange and of dialogue which leads us to distance ourselves, to question our values and to define our European citizenship.

Do you want to organize European mobility projects for:

European Erasmus + interns?

Do you represent a school, vocational training organization or educational establishment with an accreditation or European mobility project? As part of Erasmus + Key Action 1, we welcome your trainees throughout the Bordeaux metropolitan area in France.

Cap Ulysse works with any organization in the education and training sector: schools and educational establishments, vocational high schools, technological high schools, vocational training organizations, apprenticeship training centers, associations, local authorities, employment agencies... from all European Union countries, countries associated with the Erasmus + program, but also from other countries depending on requests

French young graduates and job seekers?

Contact your local France Travail agency (formerly Pôle Emploi) to find out which organization is responsible for organizing Erasmus + internships in Europe: there are plenty of destinations waiting for you!

French learners with disabilities?

Because European mobility is a common-right scheme, since 2015 we have been affirming our commitment to making mobility inclusive by spearheading the “Handi'Cap sur l'Europe” European mobility consortium. This is a consortium made up of institutions supporting vocational training for learners with disabilities and the professionals who accompany them, located in Gironde, France.

Step-by-Step Guide

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The steps to come to Bordeaux for training with Erasmus +

Young people? High school students? Students? Apprentices?
Whether you're a group or an individual, our contact is always the sending institution (school, vocational training center, employment agency, university, apprentice training center, etc.) when it comes to carrying out an Erasmus + mobility project.

Trainers? Education and training professionals?
You can also benefit from a short-term Erasmus + mobility offer to train your peers or yourself in France. Discover our offer.

Step 1

Getting in touch

Let's get in touch to discuss your request by email, telephone or video conference. We will introduce you to our training center and our pedagogical approach. We will propose an offer of an internship or training stay adapted to your needs, the profiles of your students or your team, and your budget.

Step 2

Review of the request

Send Cap Ulysse the key information on your request: ideal period, number and profile of participants, course or training objectives, language levels, accommodation requirements, etc. Select the services you need: accommodation package, arrival and departure transfers, public transport card, French courses, intercultural workshops, etc.

Step 3


After an in-depth review of each request, Cap Ulysse will confirm the stay and send you the list of documents to be provided for each participant: CV, cover letter, placement form, additional documents depending on the profile...

Step 4


Once all the documents have been collected, Cap Ulysse will organize the stay and the educational program, in collaboration with the sending establishment or school. Preparation is essential to the success of the trip. It also involves the sending school and the participants : taking online French courses, researching the host country, intercultural preparation, etc. A few weeks before your arrival in Bordeaux, Cap Ulysse will provide the sending school with an information kit containing the key elements of the stay: program, accommodation, internship or training site, welcome guide to Bordeaux, information on arrival transfers, telephone helpline number, etc.

Step 5

The first few days

Cap Ulysse receives each group for a welcome meeting and presentation of the program for the stay. This gives them the opportunity to get to know the Cap Ulysse representatives and to set out the framework for the stay. Each student will be accompanied by a Cap Ulysse representative to his or her work placement, to ensure linguistic and cultural mediation, confirm work placement arrangements and fill in administrative documents.

Step 6

The stay

Once the first few days are over, the stay follows the educational program agreed with the internship and training sites. Cap Ulysse has a permanent telephone number and can be reached 24/7. A Cap Ulysse referent monitors the stay and is available to support participants if necessary.

Step 7

The end of the stay and the evaluation

At the end of the stay, a Cap Ulysse representative visits the work placement to carry out the evaluation in the presence of the student and the tutors. This is a privileged moment during which the students, with the help of their tutors and Cap Ulysse, identify the professional, linguistic, organizational, social and IT skills developed during the internship that will facilitate access to employment. The group is then received at Cap Ulysse for an overall assessment of the stay, during which each student evaluates his or her work placement, accommodation and the role of Cap Ulysse. Administrative documents are collected, finalized and forwarded to the sending institution, along with a final report on the stay.

Étape 1

Prise de contact

Établissons un premier contact autour de votre demande par email, téléphone ou en visio-conférence. Nous vous présenterons notre centre de formation et notre approche pédagogique. Nous vous proposerons une offre de séjour de stage ou de formation adaptée à votre besoin, aux profils de vos étudiants ou de votre équipe, et à votre budget.

Étape 2

Étude du dossier

Transmettez à Cap Ulysse les informations clefs sur votre demande : période privilégiée, nombre et profil des participants, objectifs de stage ou de formation, niveaux de langue, souhaits d'hébergement... Sélectionnez les services dont vous avez besoin : formule logement, transferts à l'arrivée et au départ, carte de transport en commun, cours de français, ateliers interculturels etc.

Étape 3


Après une étude approfondie de chaque demande, Cap Ulysse confirmera le séjour et vous transmettra la liste des documents à fournir pour chaque participant : CV, lettre de motivation, formulaire de positionnement, documents complémentaires selon le profil...

Étape 4


Une fois tous les documents collectés, Cap Ulysse organisera le séjour et le programme pédagogique, en collaboration avec l’établissement d’envoi ou l’école. La préparation est une étape essentielle au bon déroulement du séjour et elle implique également l’établissement d’envoi et les participants : suivi de cours de français en ligne, recherches sur le pays d’accueil, préparation interculturelle… Quelques semaines avant d’arriver à Bordeaux, Cap Ulysse fournira à l’établissement d’envoi un kit d’information contenant les éléments clés du séjour : programme, lieu d’hébergement, lieu de stage ou de formation, guide de bienvenue à Bordeaux, informations sur les transferts à l’arrivée, numéro téléphonique de permanence etc.

Étape 5

Les premiers jours

Cap Ulysse reçoit chaque groupe pour une réunion d’accueil et de présentation du programme du séjour. C’est également l’occasion de mieux connaître les référent.e.s de Cap Ulysse et de reposer le cadre du séjour. Chaque élève sera accompagné par un.e référent.e de Cap Ulysse dans son lieu de stage, permettant ainsi d’assurer la médiation linguistique et culturelle, de confirmer les modalités de stage et de compléter les documents administratifs.

Étape 6

Le séjour

Une fois les premiers jours passés, le séjour se déroule selon le programme pédagogique fixé en accord avec les lieux de stage et de formation. Cap Ulysse dispose d’un téléphone de permanence et reste joignable 24h/24 et 7j/7. Un.e référent.e Cap Ulysse assure le suivi du séjour et est disponible pour soutenir les participants en cas de besoin.

Étape 7

La fin du séjour et l’évaluation

En fin de séjour, un.e référent.e Cap Ulysse se rend sur le lieu de stage pour effectuer l’évaluation en présence de l’élève et des tuteurs. C’est un moment privilégié au cours duquel les élèves identifient, avec l’aide des tuteurs et de Cap Ulysse, les compétences professionnelles, linguistiques, organisationnelles, sociales et informatiques développées pendant le stage et facilitant l’accès à l’emploi. Le groupe est ensuite reçu à Cap Ulysse pour un bilan du séjour pendant lequel chaque élève évalue son lieu de stage, son hébergement et le rôle de Cap Ulysse. Les documents administratifs sont collectés, finalisés et transmis à l’établissement d’envoi avec un rapport final sur le séjour.

Why would you with Cap Ulysse?

Cap Ulysse stands for...
- more than 15 years' experience in hosting international and European mobility interns in Bordeaux, France,
- a network of over 350 internship structures in all sectors of activity in the Bordeaux area,
- nearly 70 host families selected according to our quality criteria,
- and an available, responsive and multilingual team ready to listen to trainees and foreign sending organizations.

I made follow-up visits to 5 students doing internships in Bordeaux, France via Cap Ulysse. At Cap Ulysse I met a fantastic team, everything was very well organized and they were incredibly helpful. I was very well received and with an incredible friendliness.
Thank you for the warm welcome.

Teacher, Portugal



Going to Europe for training

Are you a job-seeker, high-school student, professional in education, training, integration or the medical-educational sector? Would you like to take part in an Erasmus + program in one of the 31 eligible countries?

Cap Ulysse organizes short- and long-term mobility programs on behalf of your organization (employer, school, France Travail...). If you find yourself in one of the situations below, here are a few tips:

Are you an employee?

The Erasmus + program is aimed at employees who have an educational, training or integration mission. At Cap Ulysse, we understand that by making professionals go abroad, we increase the opportunities for Erasmus + mobility for learners.

If you are interested, contact your employer to find out if they are already involved in an Erasmus + project or have Erasmus + accreditation.

1. If so, find out about the conditions of participation, which are specific to each establishment.
2. If your employer does not have a charter or is not part of an Erasmus + consortium, talk to your manager and contact Cap Ulysse again to discuss this, or contact an Erasmus + developer.  

Are you a job seeker?

Since 2020, Cap Ulysse has been accompanying jobseekers for several France Travail regional offices. For further information, please contact your France Travail advisor.

Do you attend school and have a PAI? Do you work in an ESAT?

Since 2017, Cap Ulysse has been leading a consortium of institutions in the medical-educational sector in Gironde that has enabled hundreds of young people and adults to gain work experience in nearly 10 European countries. The partners in this network have been selected for the quality of their logistical, pedagogical and human support before and during the stay.

Would you like to send or receive European peers? Please contact us.

Would you like to welcome European professionals or trainees?

Would you like to start welcoming European professionals or trainees to your establishment? We encourage you to do so. Our experience confirms it: it's an excellent way to see what an experience like this could bring, and to get an idea of the resulting responsibilities.

Are you looking for European partners to receive young people with disabilities?

Organizing accessible mobility requires a thorough understanding of the learner's needs, existing funding and the European actors able to offer local support. Cap Ulysse provides training in this area, and offers them the opportunity to join the MAKE IT HAPPEN European network.

Étape 1

Confirmation du séjour par l'organisme d'accueil en Europe

Le dossier du groupe et des apprenants sera transmis aux organismes d'accueil qui étudieront chaque candidature et identifieront les lieux de stage et les logements les plus appropriés. Cap Ulysse restera en contact privilégié avec ces organismes et confirmera les structures sélectionnées et les services choisis.

Étape 2

Préparation du séjour

Cap Ulysse accompagnera les apprenants ou les organismes d'envoi dans l'organisation du voyage et des trajets aller et retour.

Étape 3

Préparation interculturelle et linguistique

Cap Ulysse, en accord avec l'organisme d'envoi, pourra intervenir sur des temps de préparation interculturelle et linguistique. Plusieurs sujets peuvent être abordés pour préparer au mieux à la vie quotidienne et à l'immersion professionnelle dans un environnement non-francophone et dans un nouveau contexte culturel.

Étape 4

Le séjour

Cap Ulysse, en accord avec l'organisme d'envoi, pourra intervenir sur des temps de préparation interculturelle et linguistique. Plusieurs sujets peuvent être abordés pour préparer au mieux à la vie quotidienne et à l'immersion professionnelle dans un environnement non-francophone et dans un nouveau contexte culturel.

Étape 5

La fin du séjour, le retour et l'évaluation des acquis

À la fin du séjour, Cap Ulysse et l'organisme d'envoi organiseront un temps d'évaluation et de restitution au cours duquel seront identifiées les compétences acquises et développées lors de la mobilité européenne : aux compétences techniques et professionnelles s'ajoutent les compétences linguistiques, sociales, organisationnelles, interculturelles... Les documents du séjour seront collectés et la satisfaction des participants sera évaluée à des fins d'amélioration de la qualité de nos activités.

Holder of the good practice label since 2019

Handi’Cap sur l’Europe

Since 2015, the Handi'Cap sur l'Europe project has sent more than 300 learners with disabilities and nearly 100 professionals from the medical-social sector in Gironde to Europe.

With this experience and expertise recognized by its peers and the Erasmus + Agency with the “good practice” label awarded to the consortium in 2019, Cap Ulysse is committed to turning an exception into a rule.

For learners with disabilities, an internship in Europe represents real added value in the eyes of their families and future employers. It's a unique opportunity to develop personal and professional skills, and facilitate integration into the job market.

For professionals, meeting European counterparts enables them to discover new approaches, take a step back from their own practices, expand their network, and strengthen their motivation and team spirit. The scheme also gives professionals greater confidence in promoting their mobility experiences to their learners and colleagues, and securing their learners' mobility stays.

Accompagnying job seekers towards European mobility

Since 2021, Cap Ulysse has been entrusted by France Travail with European mobility support for over 150 jobseekers. The aim of this training scheme is to remobilize jobseekers by giving them access to work experience in another European country, in order to develop linguistic, professional and personal skills. When they return, the aim is to facilitate their access to sustainable employment. At the end of the training course, each trainee receives a course certificate and a Europass certificate.

Why would you cooperate with Cap Ulysse?

Since 2015, Cap Ulysse has been supporting interns on European mobility and organizing their stay in order to strengthen their employability.

  • + de 90% des stagiaires se disent satisfaits ou très satisfaits de la formation qui leur a été proposée

  • 95.45% of trainees are convinced that this training stay will help their professional development and their career.

  • 79% of participants get a sustainable job within 6 months or enter a qualifying vocational training course

Do you still have questions about European mobility?

Go to our Q&A in the “Mobility” section to find your answer among our most common questions or contact us directly.

Learn about mobility

An incoming or outgoing mobility project?

Let's discuss, we would be delighted to help you implement your project and to work on creating the best possible experience for you.