Going with France Travail (ex Pôle Emploi)
European mobility
Supporting job seekers towards European mobility
The idea is simple: to offer a 3 or 6-month work placement in a European country, with the result of (re)mobilizing people around a professional project and developing their technical, professional and personal skills, leading to a sustainable return to employment.
Project Details
Prescribed by France Travail, this training scheme aims at:
- remobilizing job seekers by giving them access to work experience in another European country. It comes in the form of a 2 to 6-month training course, most of which involves an internship abroad.
- acquiring and developing cross-disciplinary skills appreciated by employers (agility, initiative, self-confidence, fluency in English...) and professional skills in their fields.
- facilitating their return to sustainable employment by recognizing and valorizing learning achievements.
The team in charge of the project
Frequently asked questions
Who can benefit from this scheme?
- Contact Agence France Travail in your region* to find out how they can help you.
- Are you registered as a job seeker, residing in France and receiving an ARE (Allocation de Retour à l'Emploi)?
- Are you a national of the European Economic Area and/or have the right to work in the destination country at the time of application?
- Are you autonomous, curious and able to adapt to new situations?
Contact Agence France Travail in your region* to find out how they can help you.
*In 2024: Auvergne - Rhône Alpes, Bourgogne Franche Comté, Centre Val de Loire, Corse, Grand Est, Haut de France, Normandie, Nouvelle Aquitaine, Occitanie, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.
What assistance is available?
- Logistical support in finding an internship and accommodation for 2 to 6 months.
- Preparation for departure: information on living and working conditions in the host country, and on the resources available.
- Financial assistance to cover travel and accommodation costs.
- Continued unemployment benefit for those eligible, for the duration of the internship in Europe and up to the limit of your entitlement.
- Language assessment and courses via the EU Academy platform established by the European Commission and the Erasmus + Agency.
- A Europass Mobility certificate attesting to the skills acquired during your stay.
Where can we go?
32 countries participate in the program: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Northern Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Turkey.
Please note that depending on your region of residence, some destinations may not be accessible.