Who are we?
Cap Ulysse is a continuing education organization founded in Bordeaux in 2007, committed to initiatives aimed at developing and strengthening one's professional and transversal skills. This organization thus offers experiential and innovative training courses inspired by the best practices in Europe.

We can't imagine what the European Union allows us to do in terms of innovation and experimentation in the training sector:
- an internship abroad,
- an escape game on stereotypes,
- a training for trainers on the management of cultural and linguistic diversity...
These are all initiatives that we offer to develop one's professional, intercultural, digital and personal skills and to promote access to employment.
Cap Ulysse's offer is structured around three complementary activities :
European mobility
Incoming and outgoing European mobility programs that give the accompanied participants the opportunity to put into practice their professional and transversal skills (internships for young learners, mobility of professionals in the education sector, etc.).
Training courses for:
- Professionals working in an intercultural and plurilingual context (trainers, mobility staff, etc.)
- People with fewer opportunities (job seekers, women with a migration background...)
Cooperation projects to design innovative devices with European partners, experts in their field. The “Innovation Lab” makes it possible to nourish our practices and to strengthen the quality of our work.
Our vision
At Cap Ulysse, we are guided by the values that shape our approach and our daily work: intercultural openness, creativity, a spirit of innovation and sharing.
Added to this are values between international cooperation, social and solidarity economy, and entrepreneurship. Our commitment to be available and responsive, to meet the needs of our partners, our interns or our customers, is the same that pushes us to think outside the box and to innovate. Cooperation and sharing (of ideas, practices and tools) are at the heart of our actions.
These values are the result of experiences that have built the career of our team, and come to nourish our practice and strengthen our mission.
Our history
Creation of Cap Ulysse
Cap Ulysse started its activity as a continuing education organization, by accompanying 12 Spanish high school students who came to Bordeaux to do an internship in companies, through the European Erasmus program (Leonardo da Vinci for connoisseurs).

Cap Ulysse participated in its first European project to remove barriers in mobility programs
A project led by the Universidad Empresa de Madrid Foundation (FUEM) to identify and remove obstacles to internship mobility in order to make it more inclusive. Several projects have been feeding our expertise in European mobility and our Training Center, with a more innovative offer, thanks to the contribution of our European experts network.

Towards more inclusive mobilities: Handi'Cap sur l'Europe (Good Practice label)
As the coordinator of a consortium, Cap Ulysse launched the Handi'Cap sur l'Europe project with Pôle Emploi (the French public employment service), the Don Bosco Institute and the ADGESSA. ARI, ADAPEI and IRSA joined us later. The objective is thus to strengthen inclusion in European mobility programs.
In almost 10 years, 247 learners with disabilities have completed an internship in Europe (Germany, Croatia, Spain, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Portugal...). An opportunity for them to develop their professional and personal skills and to facilitate their integration into the job market.
The project has also allowed more than 80 professionals to take a step back from their practice and discover that of their counterparts in Europe. It also represents an opportunity to secure the mobility path of their learners. This project is close to our hearts and received the "Good Practice" label from the European Commission in 2019.
As part of Erasmus+, Cap Ulysse hosted 12 Greek training professionals in Bordeaux
This delegation of Greek teachers and trainers participated in a program of meetings and visits to Bordeaux, aimed at making them discover the French education system and in particular vocational training. Since then, Cap Ulysse has regularly hosted professionals in education, training and professional integration for study visits.
This program is also offered in the shape of a “job shadowing” to professionals who come alone for a short period of immersion. Every year, Cap Ulysse welcomes between 30 and 75 professionals for Staff Mobility or Job Shadowing.
Cap Ulysse launched its training offer with 12 mobility professionals accompanying their students in Erasmus + mobility
What a success! And for good reason, Cap Ulysse has significant experience in welcoming and sending numerous interns. Within its educational experimentation laboratory, it has also developed a panel of exploratory, experiential and reflexive activities related to:
- intercultural learning,
- plurilingual communication,
- and since 2023, eco-responsibility.
This training can be offered to your mobility staff. Since then, its training offer has expanded.
Start of collaboration with Pôle Emploi: internships in Europe for job seekers
Against all expectations, it was in the middle of the pandemic that Cap Ulysse won several contracts with France Travail (formerly Pôle Emploi) to send job seekers on internships of 3 or 6 months in Europe.
The idea is simple: to offer an internship in a company in a European country with the result of (re) mobilization around the professional project and the development of technical, professional and personal skills for a sustainable return to employment.
Renewal of the QUALIOPI certification
In 2021, Cap Ulysse obtained its QUALIOPI certification to attest to the quality of training and support processes financed by vocational training funds. The renewal of the certification in 2024 attests to the sustainability of the certification.
A European, intercultural and multilingual team
The strength of Cap Ulysse lies in this team. It brings a wealth of perspectives and experiences.
The Cap Ulysse ecosystem
European partners
400 companies in the region

60 host families
Actors in the back-to-work process
Actors in the disability sector
65 local partners
Training and education actors