Adult education, Social inclusion, Autonomy

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Boost the autonomy of your learners!

Learning to learn, to choose, and to act effectively. These are skills that you can pass on to your learners and that can protect them from any form of social exclusion when they have a low level of education and vocational training.

Launched in
December 2024
European partners
  • A scientific review of agentivity and inspiring examples from the field
  • An online training course for trainers to boost their learner's agentivity
  • A face-to-face training course for 20 trainers to boost their learners' agentivity

Project Details

Learning to learn, choose, and act effectively. These are skills that you can pass on to your learners in order to protect them. against all forms of social exclusion when they have a low level of education and vocational training. To achieve this, the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system must review certain training practices in order to support the development of its learners' skills.

By February 2027, the project aims to set up an intervention model and a test with more than 50 trainers and 200 learners. It is carried out by a consortium composed of organizations from Italy, France, France, the Netherlands, Croatia, Greece and Austria

To achieve their goals, the partners are committed to:

  • Developing theoretical and practical knowledge on the “agency skill”
  • Strengthening the knowledge and skills of professionals (teachers, trainers, tutors) for the development of autonomy among adults at risk of socio-professional exclusion
  • Disseminating the intervention model among VET professionals, the world of work, institutions and policy makers
The CU team

The team in charge of the project

Elisabeth Silva

Founder, operational management

Feedback from involved people

The participants' and partners' opinions

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Frequently asked questions

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Let's work together

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Let's discuss. We are always delighted to share our knowledge.