Intellectual Disability, Mobility, Inclusion
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Promote and support the mobility of learners with intellectual disabilities
Develop the skills of your teams to support the mobility of learners with intellectual disabilities
✨ A “Needs Analysis Report” on the main barriers to the inclusion of learners with intellectual disabilities (ID) in Erasmus + mobilities.
✨ A “Handbook” with guidelines and tips for stakeholders and decision-makers on existing opportunities and supports for the inclusion of ID.
✨ The translation of official documents such as the Learning Agreement into easy language and guidelines on how to translate documents into Easy-to-Read language.
✨ Open Educational Resources tools to support the pre-departure preparation of people with intellectual disabilities and their learning process as part of a mobility experience.
✨ An e-learning platform containing all results and training materials.
✨ A training course for staff to help organize inclusive mobility projects.
Project Details
The PR.I.M.E. team is composed of 7 partners from 7 European countries committed to strengthening inclusion in the European Erasmus + program by making it accessible to learners with intellectual disabilities.
Between 2023 and 2025, the partners' objectives are to:
✨ Reinforce the skills of professionals within the partnership to improve the quality of inclusive mobility projects, involving learners with intellectual disabilities in the vocational training, adult education and youth sectors.
✨ Offer specific and innovative tools for staff involved in inclusive mobilities.
✨ Encourage greater participation of people with intellectual disabilities in Erasmus + and ESC mobilities.
✨ Promote the innovation and internationalization in our partner organizations.
The partners are committed to:
✨ Conducting an inventory of needs based on the feedback of 520 professionals (questionnaire and in-depth interviews) and on a bibliographical inventory of studies carried out so far.
✨ Suggesting a handbook with guidelines and practical advice.
✨ Using simple and accessible language.
✨ Designing and testing initial preparation workshops with direct beneficiaries, taking into account the specific needs of learners.
✨ Providing free access to project deliverables and online training for mobility mentors who wish to set up preparation activities.
Link to the project site:
The team in charge of the project
Feedback from involved people
The participants' and partners' opinions
Frequently asked questions
How can I participate in the PR.I.M.E. project?