Communication; Adult Education

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Oral communication skills for the integration of migrant adults
The aim of the project is to improve the skills of trainers who work with migrant audiences to teach the language of the host country.
- 100 exercices et activités de communication;
- 8 Masterclasses sur les différents aspects des compétences en communication et sur la manière de les enseigner;
- 4 articles publiés basés sur les Masterclasses;
- 4 sessions de formation de formateurs en Europe : une sur les supports produits (100 exercices de communication) et 3 sur les thématiques des Masterclasses.
Project Details
The Optimo project is based on the premise that communication is not just oral expression, it goes further than that and involves observation and active listening in the process.
The objective of the project is to increase the skills of trainers who work with young people or adults with a migration background to teach the language of the host country. By training training actors, OPTIMO aims to improve the quality of teaching for educators and other staff responsible for education, adult training and guidance.
The implementation of the OPTIMO project is divided into three main components:
- A research phase, which consists in acquiring knowledge about existing theories, practices and data related to the project.
- The collection of best practices from participating organizations or local actors, which will be transformed into a material bank including 100 communication exercises.
- The creation of 8 Masterclasses for the professional development of trainers.
Trainers are an important bridge that connects different cultures and realities when people with an immigration background arrive in a new country. Their knowledge and active participation in the project, combined with the skills developed during the project, contribute to the creation of new perspectives and provide essential tools for teachers and educators in their work.
The team in charge of the project
Feedback from involved people
The participants' and partners' opinions