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ONE Culture project kick off meeting in Bordeaux
The partners are meeting in Bordeaux for the official launch of the Erasmus+ One Culture project, which aims to use art and cultural heritage as tools to combat nationalism and euroscepticism.
All our training courses
Active and connected - first step towards employment
Develop your approach to digital tools and methods to use them with first-time learners, by discovering exploratory, experiential, and reflective activities. Learn how to design simple online activities that you can use during your lessons to motivate your learners and engage the diversity of their learning profiles.
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European training and mobility for job seekers
Prescribed by public operators (France Travail...), Cap Ulysse offers a 2 to 6-month training course allowing job seekers to benefit from a mobility experience in another European country*, in order to develop their linguistic, professional and personal skills and to facilitate their access to sustainable employment.
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Towards eco-responsible and sustainable European mobility
The “Towards sustainable and eco-responsible mobility” training aims at equiping mobility referents with exploratory, experiential and reflective activities that they can carry out with their learners before going abroad (Erasmus + and others). The objective is to raise their awareness on their power of action on the carbon footprint and more generally on the environment.
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Supporting your learners in critical situations
How to support your learners when they are experiencing critical situations? This training enables you to understand tools such as the “Critical Incident Method” by M.E Cohen or the “Communication Square” by F Schulz Von Thun that you can introduce to your learners before departure.
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Overcoming the language barrier
How to support your learners to fully enjoy their international mobility experience (Erasmus + or other)? How can you be understood when a speaker does not speak the same language and how can you better understand him or her?
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Organizing accessible and inclusive European mobilities
Are you a mobility actor responsible for supporting participants going on an international mobility experience (Erasmus + or other)? Do you want to engage your institution in favor of inclusive mobilities for your learners with disabilities?
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The challenges of interculturality
How to support your learners to fully enjoy an international mobility experience (Erasmus + or other)? This training offers you exploratory, experiential and reflective activities on the intercultural approach in a situation of mobility, that you can carry out with your learners.
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Strengthening your learners' “learning to learn” skills
How to lead learners to more autonomy in learning? Through reusable experiential and practical activities, this training enables you to discover how our brain works and the impact of stress on learning. It also provides strategies for learning and/or remembering.
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Using Comics in FLI/FLE training
For teachers of French as a foreign language (FLE) and French as a language of integration (FLI), this training aims to explore the potential of comics and life stories in the practice of adult education professionals with a migration background.
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Developing the global citizenship of your learners
In order to strengthen the transversal, civic and citizens' skills of your learners, this training offers you activities related to global citizenship that can be integrated into your language courses, digital training or even basic skills training.
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Working in a plurilingual context
A training course for professionals who interact with non-French speakers.
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Working in an intercultural context
A training course for professionals who interact with people having varied cultural frames of reference and/or a low French level.
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Addressing intercultural challenges in group training and individualized coaching
FLE/FLI teachers, HSP and HSP Socle trainers, and professionals responsible for supporting allophone people. This training leads you to question your cultural frame of reference and that of your learners, to question your practice and implement adapted strategies to meet the needs of your learners effectively.
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