10 Fold2
Adult Education, Social Inclusion
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
A comic book inspired by the life stories of our female learners as a training medium
Strengthen the language skills of your learners through comic books: a powerful tool for the representation of migrant people and their social inclusion
✨ Designed a language training manual for trainers working with an audience of adults with a migration background and low knowledge of foreign languages (French/German)
✨ Tested the developed activities with the public of each partner structure, on a local scale
✨ Trained Austrian and French trainers to the activities developed and to the role of artistic and creative practice in adult education (in June 2024 in Bordeaux).
Project Details
Nowadays, few educational resources for adults in socio-professional integration specifically address the situations they are confronted to.
Adult learners are more committed when the learning materials speak directly to them. Therefore, the Erasmus + 10fold II project aims to create teaching content that they can identify with, to reinforce their learning. Its primary objective is to promote social inclusion and diversity.
In 2024, the partners created educational materials based on the 10 FOLD comic book (classroom and online activities) in which the target group remains the main character.
We create educational materials to foster resilience as well as the social and civic participation of learners, using authentic texts as a basis for discussing issues such as discrimination in daily life, racism, social exclusion, and gender discrimination.
Link to the project site: https://www.blickwinkel-comics.at/10fold/
The team in charge of the project
Feedback from involved people
The participants' and partners' opinions