
Successful Skills to Improve Lifelong Learning for Work (S.K.I.L.L.S 4 Work)

The Erasmus+ project Successful Skills to Improve Lifelong Learning for Work (S.K.I.L.L.S 4 Work) is coordinated by Cap Ulysse in collaboration with Prios Kompetanse, Orient Express et Olemisen Balanssia


S.K.I.L.L.S 4 Work, starting January 2022 and lasting 30 months, aims to strengthen the competences of trainers and stakeholders involved in migrant adult learning by : 

  1. Providing 4 courses with an emphasis on the “learning to learn” approach. This has been tested at local levels and improved. The online training course is available here.
  2. Creating an online resource centre so that trainers can freely access the project’s learning materials as well as add their own. The resources center, including the e-learning course for trainers, is available here. 
  3. Developing a common certification criteria and assessment tool criteria, in order to allow adult training centres to certify their staff with the 4 curricula. The certification process with Open Badges is available here.


The 4 courses are centred around the following skills: 

  1. Oral and intercultural communication skills
  2. Autonomy on the learning process skills
  3. Basic Digital skills
  4. Relation with others in a learning context skills

An additional course, focused on the adults trainer’s posture, is also included.

The courses have been tested by trainers with adult migrant learners and improved. There has been a pilot testing phase to validate the quality of the certification designed by the partnership. In total, 80 adult migrant learners in both France and the partners’ countries participated in the experimentations. 

Feel free to take a look at our partners’ work too!

Prios Kompetanse, Norway

Olemisen Balanssia, Finland

Orient Express, Austria


This project is supported by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission. This communication relies only with the view of its author and does not reflect the view of the European Commission