Europe for

professional integration


Travel to explore, explore to learn

Cap Ulysse is a training center founded in Bordeaux in 2007. It relies on European initiatives to develop the skills of professionals and learners:
- Erasmus + European mobilities,
- intercultural, digital, innovative training,
- support for professional integration.
Each of our actions is consolidated by experiments carried out in partnership with our European network.

Training with Cap Ulysse: living experiences, sharing know-how, exploring other horizons


Cap Ulysse in a few figures

Since 2007, Cap Ulysse has been committed to Education, Training, Inclusion and Professional Integration


European partners involved in education, vocational training and adult training


European interns welcomed and accompanied in Bordeaux for their Erasmus + mobility internship


Of our activity dedicated to innovating and experimenting for an innovative training offer that is always closer to your expectations


Workers in the field of Education, training and professional integration trained in Bordeaux or in Europe


Job seekers and interns with disabilities gone on internship mobility in Europe


Satisfied or very satisfied incoming Erasmus + interns in 2023

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Présentation des résultats du projet 10fold II à Poitiers

Le moi dernier Cap Ulysse a eu l'opportunité de présenter le projet de 10fold II ainsi que ses résultats aux étudiants Master I et II Français Langue Étrangère et Langue d'Intégration de l'Université de Poitiers. Une expérience riche en échanges et stimulante pour les étudiant.e.s présent.e.s.
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